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I'm having some trouble with `mo.ui.

I'm having some trouble with mo.ui.file - I can't seem to get it to update.

Customizing rendering in tables

Is there a way to also modify how the dataframe/table elements are displayed based on value? My case is a little bit more complex but a simpler and I think semi common use case could be displaying urls as img or a href tags.

mo.image() not working with local files

I'm trying to insert an image using mo.image(src="./imgs/mab_1.png") , it shows a broken image instead of the image. I've also tried the with open("logo.png", "rb") as file: mo.image(src=file) approach - nothing turns up (Changed the string to point to my image. I'm not seeing any errors to work with. I've tried just opening the image directly and that works so i've not messed up the paths. Any suggestions?...

haha no worries, def not obvious coming

haha no worries, def not obvious coming from Jupyter. We'll improve our docs. In case your curious: having markdown authored in Python lets you interpolate Python values into markdown strings, conditionally render your markdown, and create markdown objects that can be embedded in other objects (like our layout components). You'll see some examples of these things in the tutorial notebooks

Enabling Github Copilot

I am trying to enable Copilot but have been unable to do so. I installed Node.js and then went to settings to enable Copilot. It then tells me to sign in to Github (I am a Copilot subscriber). When I press the link to sign into Github it provides me with a code which it tells me to copy. I don't know what to do from here to enable Copilot after copying the code.

Is there a way to get matplotlib plots to display as SVGs

Is there a way to get matplotlib plots to display in the notebook as SVGs rather than PNGs? The typical techniques for doing this are either Jupyter-specific or pertain to file-saving operations, from what I can tell.

My notebook does not show the matplotlib

My notebook does not show the matplotlib.pyplot graphs in app view, but they work fine in edit mode. What can I do?

Is there currently any way to have a

Is there currently any way to have a form where I have switches A, B, and C, and switches B and C are displayed/enabled only when switch A is toggled to true?

Notebooks & Reactivity

Questions from Josh @jmp: I’m curious what approach you’ve taken to implement reactivity in marimo. Eg are dependencies computed statically or dynamically? How are side effects handled? What if someone doesn’t want a cell to rerun? Can they control execution in some way?...

Output too large

Hi, i'm trying to use marimo to display some HTML and i get this error:
Your output is too large
Your output is too large for marimo to show. It has a size of 8415108 bytes. Did you output this object by accident?
Your output is too large
Your output is too large for marimo to show. It has a size of 8415108 bytes. Did you output this object by accident?

Hiding markdown

Another question: can I hide the code or just have a way to say - like in jupyter - "this cell only contains text that should be rendered with"? It becomes a bit hard on the eye to edit
No description

Thanks! Glad you got to try marimo!

Thanks! Glad you got to try marimo! Your suggestion is interesting. I can see how that’d be helpful for sure! It would take us some time to get it working — we’ll add it to our list of possible future enhancements for now....

Creating a list of buttons

Hi there! I am working with a list of buttons that upon clicking the button_i, it looks up a list of strings and displays the i^th string in a text area. I cannot seem to make it work after reviewing the documentation on button and state (excellent example of the task list!) The main obstacle for me is making the on_click argument work for a list of buttons. For example, ```# cell 1...

slider increment

Is there a way to get the ui slider to go from 0 - 1 with decimal point/probability values? I tried with denoting the start and stop as 0.0 and 1.0 and making steps=100 but didn’t get anywhere

blank webpage

Hi! i'm trying to get the tutorial working, but doing marimo tutorial intro in a fresh install opens up a blank webpage; I'm not getting any errors in the terminal, and get the same result in different browsers

How do you make the execution fully reproducible

Hi! Very excited to see a new notebook alternative that is deterministic and builds graphs out of cells. How do you make the execution fully reproducible?

set the value of a text_area programmatically

Hi! is it there a way to set the value of a text_area programmatically. I have a text_area that I want to pre-populate depending on the selected row of a table, but I want to optionally modify it before sending it. If I modify it, everything works, but if I don't, the value (internal) is stale, despite being shown properly.

Static output

Hi! Marimo is very exciting. I love Pluto.jl, and after having used it, going back to Jupyter without reactivity feels very weird. Question: do you plan to add the ability to render static outputs (best case scenario through Quarto)?

'marimo' is not recognized

Hey everyone! I can't seem to get this thing started 🙂 pip install marimo works, but anything else in the terminal just says 'marimo' is not recognized

Is there a way to set the size the

Is there a way to set the size the markdown result box. I'd like to use hstack to have n boxes displaying markdown text. But sometimes the markdown text is long and so I think want to have a vertical scroll for that box and not have the box vary in width size.