sean13mo ago

Output too large

Hi, i'm trying to use marimo to display some HTML and i get this error:
Your output is too large
Your output is too large for marimo to show. It has a size of 8415108 bytes. Did you output this object by accident?
Your output is too large
Your output is too large for marimo to show. It has a size of 8415108 bytes. Did you output this object by accident?
11 Replies
Myles Scolnick
Myles Scolnick13mo ago
today, we do limit the size of the output. this is so you dont accidentally freeze your browser / computer
# Output not shown if larger than OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES=5MB
OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES = 5_000_000
# Output not shown if larger than OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES=5MB
OUTPUT_MAX_BYTES = 5_000_000
we have a task to make this configurable, which we can prioritize. 8MB of html does seem like a lot. i can look at your Colab to see if there is a way around sending all that
seanOP13mo ago
can i set some environmental variable?
Myles Scolnick
Myles Scolnick13mo ago
not currently, but we can add this today
seanOP13mo ago
another idea: block it initially, and then have some "are you sure?" override
Myles Scolnick
Myles Scolnick13mo ago
we do have plotly integration - is it possible to use the python library instead?
seanOP13mo ago
oh could look into that the colab was something i found online, i assume the HTML just adds custom interactivity.
Myles Scolnick
Myles Scolnick13mo ago
yea from what i can tell, they add click interactions, but we have that built it!
seanOP13mo ago
but would be nice if i could run these notebooks when converted to marimo
seanOP13mo ago
awesome thanks!
Myles Scolnick
Myles Scolnick13mo ago
yea we can give you an escape hatch for passing large html via env variables or programatically