Issues creating permalinks to playground notebooks
@RJ Budzyński , since the discussion in general has become sprawling, I'm making this thread to consolidate discussion on playground notebook permalinks.
8 Replies
Someone will reply to you shortly. In the meantime, this might help:
One issue: creating a permalink for this notebook fails. It does not seem to do with the notebook length, since even after deleting all cells permalink creation fails, the
header being extremely large.
Here's the webasm link in a github gist:
webasm link for notebook that fails with create permalink
webasm link for notebook that fails with create permalink - notebook_1.txt
On the other hand, I am not having problems creating permalinks to long notebooks on Ubuntu, Google Chrome.
I copied the code from your gist and created a new notebook from it on the playground. And the permalink worked just fine:
marimo | a next-generation Python notebook
A reactive notebook for Python — run reproducible experiments, execute as a script, deploy as an app, and version with git.
Another issue is that old
links are no longer routing to the correct notebook, like this one: Wonky indeed.
"For another example, look at - when I open this shortcut, it displays a different notebook than that link was created for. One that I made after that shortcut was created. I wonder what you will see."marimo | a next-generation Python notebook
A reactive notebook for Python — run reproducible experiments, execute as a script, deploy as an app, and version with git.
when you see it "opening another notebook". it means the notebook code is either invalid or failed to load. In which case we load the notebook from your localstorage
I think the issue is that the link used to work but no longer does
that could make sense. possibly an upgrade to nextjs
That sort of makes sense. But then there's the question of what caused the (correct) notebook's code to become invalid.
BTW sorry about spreading the discussion, I was just a little jarred by the effect.
What is the content of the first cell of the notebook you get by opening that gist? Or the permalink (I assume it's the same)?