btnaughton2w ago

Serving multiple marimo apps on the same fastapi app

I am trying to serve marimo apps on a company server (python, not webassembly). I have fastapi working fine, but I am running up against a problem with imports. Originally I thought the sandbox imports would work, but it looks like this is not the case (I found a message on this discord). That leaves a few options to solve the import problem: - use mo.install() to somehow pull in the sandbox imports? But if all the apps are in the same marimo process does this create conflicting imports? Also how would I read in the imports? - use marimo run --sandbox and have each app have its own process and port that i have to forward to - use a global uv environment for all apps and keep it synced across apps somehow. This will eventually lead to conflicts. Obviously my preference would be something where i can just have one marimo fastapi app, but I am not sure what the best way to achieve this is, while keeping apps sandboxed. Generally each app will have many imports. Thanks for any advice!
6 Replies
Hall2w ago
Someone will reply to you shortly. In the meantime, this might help:
Myles Scolnick
We don’t have a great solution now out of the box. Installing before each app is probably the simplest but you do run into a potential conflict issue polluting the global environment. Do you envision you’d have conflicts? I guess pinning each dep in each app probably does create conflicts? This has been requested a few times. We can try to prioritize this sooner.
btnaughtonOP2w ago
thanks! i am now looking at spawning a marimo run --sandbox when the url is hit, and then using fastapi to proxy that port? i can't tell how janky that will be but i think it should work? i love sandbox and i think conflicts are unfortunately inevitable with bioinformatics tools!
Myles Scolnick
I think the proxying could work too. You could open source that and see if others want to contribute (and maybe we can contribute too)
btnaughtonOP2w ago
I had a pretty decent stab at this but I could not get the websocket stuff to work. There is a nice library that in theory should be exactly what is needed but even my minimal code fails, so i gave up for now!
import uvicorn
from import reverse_http_app
app = reverse_http_app(base_url="http://localhost:8001/")
if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=8000)
import uvicorn
from import reverse_http_app
app = reverse_http_app(base_url="http://localhost:8001/")
if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=8000)
GitHub - WSH032/fastapi-proxy-lib: HTTP/WebSocket proxy for starlet...
HTTP/WebSocket proxy for starlette/FastAPI. Contribute to WSH032/fastapi-proxy-lib development by creating an account on GitHub.
btnaughtonOP2w ago
I foolishly returned to this problem and burned a couple of hours failing to get the websockets to authenticate. Posting here on the off chance someone sees an obvious problem! I think this version is probably the closest to working(?), but there's extra cruft in here too compared to other versions I tested. In other words, I very likely tested it without each individual function too.

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