Smoothly Varying Plots
I have been using an online tool called Desmos to investigate various mathemetical equations in the last year. This has been very useful but runs into some issues when examining computationally heavy expressions (e.g integrals, etc).
For that reason, I wanted to look into more performant options, and Marimo seemed like an interesting option to play with this idea. I was wondering, though, if anyone would know whether achieving a smoothly varying plot is feasible in Marimo?
Here is an example of a smoothly varying plot:
My hope is that I can use Sympy along with Marimo to achieve this, but I am still ramping up on Marimo basics before I try it, so figured I'd ask in the meantime.
Untitled Graph
Solution:Jump to solution
hopefully this can help you get started:
4 Replies
Someone will reply to you shortly. In the meantime, this might help:
hopefully this can help you get started:
not sure if there's an easy way to automate the sliders to "autoplay" as in the example you showed..
That's awesome! Thank you. It's not as fluid as Desmos, but I'd have to check how it handles more expensive computations (e.g integrals) to see if it's better for those. For autoplay, I bet I could code that... Thanks so much!