Myles Scolnick
Myles Scolnick4mo ago

dataframe size

is there a way to increase the dataframe columns shown size and the charts for 'vertical' view?
7 Replies
Myles Scolnick
Myles ScolnickOP4mo ago
@0xEvan can we keep questions to this channel?
0xEvan4mo ago
oh sure. Didn't see this section sorry about that
0xEvan4mo ago
No description
0xEvan4mo ago
would like to make this larger horizontally
0xEvan4mo ago
theres an awful lot of whitespace
No description
0xEvan4mo ago
I know I can do a full screen mode and that makes the stuff larger, but wondering if theres a way to increase size without doing that
Myles Scolnick
Myles ScolnickOP4mo ago
you can adjust the app-width in the top right settings