marimo | a next-generation Python notebo...

Seems like the current playground might be broken? Was working ~1h ago (somehow stuck in a loop of pyodide not loading properly and then the automatic package installer kicking?)
marimo | a next-generation Python notebook
Explore data and build apps seamlessly with marimo, a next-generation Python notebook.
3 Replies
Myles Scolnick
Myles Scolnick9mo ago
i noticed this too - we use the latest version of pyodide and we may need to pin it instead
Georgios Varnavides
or atleast not the dev version?
import sys
import sys
returns 0.26.0.dev0 oh lol, apparently dev` gets re-deployed at each commit on main nvm - you beat me to the PR thanks!
Myles Scolnick
Myles Scolnick9mo ago
yep - should be back now! also get some new AI ✨ features

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