V38mo ago

Dropdown Box w/ plotly

Would it be okay to ask questions about using/interacting with Marimo here? I want to make just a simple dropdown that decides what plots i display, but when i choose the value in the dropdown box, the graph only displays for a split second before just dissapearing. I am using plotly plots.
15 Replies
V3OP8mo ago
idk why its not working, its just a simple dropdown box that returns the plot global variable
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eugene8mo ago
can you try this: juandice_bar_plot = _fig instead of mo.ui.plotly(_fig)
V3OP8mo ago
it worked. why tho?
eugene8mo ago
i think mo.ui.plotly(_fig) will make dropdown rerender again and again you can also set value=Jaundice in the dropdown set the default value of the dropdown to that plotly object i think something is happening inside mo.ui.plotly(_fig) and this everlasting change will make dropdown roll back to its default
V3OP8mo ago
yeah that's the assumption that I just came down too, but now my question is how would configure my plotly plot if i cant use the mo.ui.ploty function, nor can use fig.show
eugene8mo ago
i can't figure out how to do this sorry 🫠 oh i solve that you need to implement as below:
get_state, set_state = mo.state("Jaundice", allow_self_loops=True)
get_state, set_state = mo.state("Jaundice", allow_self_loops=True)
dropdown = mo.ui.dropdown(["Jaundice", "Family History"], value=get_state(), on_change=set_state)
dropdown = mo.ui.dropdown(["Jaundice", "Family History"], value=get_state(), on_change=set_state)
and create a mapping:
mapping = {"Jaundice": jaundice_bar_plot, "Family History": family_history_bar_plot}
mapping = {"Jaundice": jaundice_bar_plot, "Family History": family_history_bar_plot}
and display use mapping:
it should work fine 🐌
V3OP8mo ago
omg thank you! i havent even tried touching states, but this will be an amazing segway into it. I appreciate the help!
V3OP8mo ago
Hi i'm back again, with another problem when using plotly with marimo, this time im trying to use a box plot with a dropdown and its just printing out the Figure data :/ The same thing is happening for every box_plot, my bar graphs from early are not experiecing any issues though. My box_plots were fine until i tried configure the color of my graphs using plotly expresses' libary of colors: - specifically:
After trying to configure the colors, all of my box_plots started printing like that instead of displaying the actual graph Attempts to Fix: - literally uninstalled and reinstalled plotly and marimo, the error still persisted
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eugene8mo ago
i think you maybe should try this:
## Distribution of scores by:

## Distribution of scores by:

don't write them in a single line maybe it's a problem regarding incorrect markdown format
V3OP8mo ago
sadly not the case
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Akshay8mo ago
It’s possibly we don’t support plotly configuration correctly. We can look into this Nice suggestion! It's actually possible to do this without using mo.state at all, since you don't need cycles and dropdown already stores its value. Here is what I would suggest. (cc @V3)
box_plot_options = mo.ui.dropdown(["Jaundice", "Family History"])
box_plot_options = mo.ui.dropdown(["Jaundice", "Family History"])
mapping = {"Jaundice": jaundice_bar_plot, "Family History": family_history_bar_plot}
mapping = {"Jaundice": jaundice_bar_plot, "Family History": family_history_bar_plot}
Akshay8mo ago
^ Full source code
V3OP8mo ago
Thank you for the suggestion! I just got out of work/class so I’ll try the code once I get home!
V3OP8mo ago
still appears wrong in the markdown box :/
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V3OP8mo ago
So, I just tried using a tabs instead of dropdown, and the plots started to show correctly which is yay, but no clue why dropdown menu doesnt work with box plots dropdown menu worked with bar plots in a previous segment of this doc