Marcos9mo ago

plotly click data

The plotly interactivity has potential, but I could really use click data not just selection data? Is that in the works? I would love to make a second plot based on clicking a point on the first plot.
4 Replies
Myles Scolnick
Myles Scolnick9mo ago
does plotly support single clicking data? I havent seent that setting if not, altair does if you are open to switching you can also grab the first data-point from a bounding-box selection, in the plugin's .value
MarcosOP9mo ago
Hmm. I assumed because in Dash with dcc.Graph you have access to hoverData , clickData , selectedData, and relayoutData
MarcosOP9mo ago
Detailed examples of Click Events including changing color, size, log axes, and more in JavaScript.
Myles Scolnick
Myles Scolnick9mo ago
yea we could probably add a selection from the click event (or maybe just emit the click event in an on_change). this annoying part is that it doesnt highlight the points like it does with range selection, so its confusing if the points are mutually exclusive and how you can unselect i am sure there is enough config exposed from plotly to make it work though

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