Hi all, I'm sort of new to Marimo, though I tried out the inital release. Am very excited about the web assembly feature. My Q is: Can I make a web assembly marimo file, save it as a html, and anyone can open that marimo html file and run it, long as they have a web assembly supporting browser?
My use case is I want to avoid public sharing, I have a quick analysis notebook which runs in web assembly, which I want to save in a onedrive, so anyone in my company can open and run it in the browser, change the data, and see new results/charts etc. I'm just using pandas and plotly, both of which work in webassembly.
4 Replies
Currently it’s not the easiest to do this. Are you ok with using a public cdn to pull the webassembly assets? If so, it’s much easier. You can download/modify the html from marimo.app. I’m sure we can make this easier
Hi, I'm def ok to pull marimo/wasm assets from a CDN, its just my own code and data I want to keep private.
I haven't looked at the marimo.app code, but will do so and test myself if I can make it run like this.
The use case is that a user can easily run a basic python app by opening the html in their browser, interact with marimo as an app, upload their own csv, see/download results.
I think this would be useful for a broad range of users. This actually solves a decades long pain point for python, how to easily run small programs, bypassing the whole install python step.
My discord stopped alerting for some reason, so saw this msg late. I just got a new use case for this, so I'm going to make a trial marimo app and see how it goes.
Yep, the code stays completely private and runs only on the users computer.
Let us know how it goes.
@khalido, it's now possible to create WASM-powered HTML files out of notebooks locally, without going through our playground, thanks to work by @Myles Scolnick. Learn how here: https://docs.marimo.io/guides/exporting.html#export-to-wasm-powered-html