vrtnis9mo ago

Cohere in WASM

hey all! hope you've had a good weekend .i'm hoping to get a cohere chat running but in wasm. however it needs fastavro<2.0.0,>=1.9.4. heres the thing - autoinstall does install it but installs a really old version (fastavro==0.17.5) that is lower than the requirement. presumably because that is the version for which a pure python wheel was made available (long time ago). the latest version of fastavro is a Cython-based wheel which I believe isnt supported by pyodide. wondering if there is an alternative way to get this working (or maybe i'm just doing this all wrong). context: cohere has been using streamlit for a bunch of demos, so thought there could be one on marimo wasm.
2 Replies
Akshay9mo ago
I think the best thing to do would be to open an issue in the pyodide repo requesting fastavro to be added as a package. They may be able to advise us as to what’d be required
vrtnisOP9mo ago
great idea!- didn't know abt that - just created a new package request