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Presenting marimo notebook for class

Hi, I have a Marimo notebook that I would like to present in class. What would be an appropriate way for me to deploy the notebook as an app during my presentation so that people in my class can interact with it? I was originally going to use WASM but my notebook processes a png image using the sci-kit learn and Pillow libraries. As a result, I get an image not found error when using WASM. I don't have much experience with deploying applications.

scrolling through suggestions

How do I scroll through these suggestions? Are arrow keys the only option?
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plotly in markdown

Have you had luck adding a Plotly fig to a markdown section? I could've sworn it worked before. But now I'm getting it exported as HTML text instead of rendering I've tried ```python test_fig =["a", "b"], y=[1, 2])"#My Chart {test_fig}")...
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Injecting JavaScript

Hi there, I had a question about injecting javascript into a marimo.Html object. We currently have a need to utilize 3dmol.js ( to visualize and manipulate molecules in 3D. What seems like the easiest way at the moment is injecting into a marimo Html component, but it seems like it is not executing, which based on an answer to a previous question, later realized is likely blocked because of security reasons (which makes sense). Is a way around this anyone would suggest...

Reading env file

Hi guys, rookie question perhaps. I am having trouble reading the contents of a .env file where I store an API key with marimo, VSCode seems to be able to read contents of the same file. I also cant see the file in the files view, but it is in the same directory...

Memory per session

Is there any sort of minimum memory requirements per session? I'm trying to properly size a deployed machine for maybe 5 concurrent users. Other than temporarily holding on to ~30 seconds of audio, there's nothing heavy going on in the app

It looks like the client is still

It looks like the client is still attempted to connect to wss://, but the server can't read that because it's behind /path

Downloading a file

Is there a way to make a non-image file available for download that I generate on the fly? I want my users to be able to download a simple html file...


In the same form, currently not I think :/ What I do when I need that is use mo.ui.button() and some creativity to wire up a form-like thing. We should improve this …

Fetching from github

From @sadki-bra: would you have some example of how to retrieve data (over 1MB) from github using a token. i'm trying to use this logic but unfortunately i'm having some trouble: g = Github(base_url="", login_or_token="") repo = g.get_repo("") sha_file = ""...

marimo | a next-generation Python notebo... Not sure if this is known, but creating a "private function" throws an error when trying to use it...

Delete html notebook

When we publish to WASM or HTML to web, can I delete it so it's no longer available?

Fetching files in WASM notebooks

I am encountering significant difficulties in loading an XLSM binary file asynchronously from GitHub. I'm using pyodide.http.pyfetch to retrieve the data but I can't figure out why it's not working. Could you kindly provide me with some advice on resolving this issue? ...

Hanging WASM notebook

I'm trying to open a WASM notebook from a link and it's been on the "initializing" screen for about 10 minutes. Suggestions?

interacting with an iframe

Is there a trick to make an html output a way for the user to interact with it? Use case is I want to embed a Google sheet. I have an iframe and (according to ChatGPT) I've done it in a way that is editable. But I can't get my cursor to interact with the Html outpu...

editable dictionary

I feel like I've figured this out in the past, but don't have it saved / can't reproduce What's the best way to do a user editable dictionary?...

Hosting files

Hi, thank you for all your help. I already have another question (sorry about that). As part of an analysis with marimo I generate a HTML file that I would like to offer as a link (or a button) for the user to open in a separate window / tab. On my machine this works using Python's, but obviously this does not work, when the marimo Notebook is running on a different machine. Is there a way to tell marimo to host the generated file, so that the user can access it? E.g. when the HTML file is written to clusters/cluster_001.html, can I make it somehow accessible e.g. as http://<ip_adress>:2718/clusters/cluster_001.html ?...

Connecting via the IP address of a machine

Hi, I used to be able to connect to a marimo session running on a different machine in our network, just by using the IP address of the machine. That was very handy for quick sharing of Notebooks (pre v0.3). With the current version (v0.3.2), this does not work anymore. I am getting an "Unable to connect error" in the browser. This literally just broke when updating from an older marimo version to the most current one. Would you have any ideas how I could make this work again?


I see in the changlogs that pdb support exists. But I can't find any docs and I'm not clear on how to invoke it. I tried ``` try: <error code>...